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A Letter to a Hindu: The Subjection of India—its Cause and Cure

The following letter was penned by Leo Tolstoy in 1908, in reply to a letter from the editor of Free...

VIDEO: A Cost-Benefit Analysis of the Human Spirit (Audio)

For years, one of my more ambitious endeavors has been an attempt to integrate the philosophies of liberty and spirituality....

Hell or High Water: A Short Story

This story began, as so many do, as an opening scene that kept rolling in my head for several days...

For Future Reference: A Short Story Challenge

One day, I decided to challenge myself, see if I could just sit down and write a story. This was...

Examination Day | A Short Story by Henry Slesar

One day during a discussion about books, a friend recommended I read the story Examination Day by Henry Slesar. It took...

VIDEO: The True Story of the Bundy Ranch Standoff

I believe that many (or even most) people don’t understand what the 2014 Bundy Ranch standoff was actually about. In fact, I’ve...

VIDEO: Reversing (Or Even Eliminating) Type 2 Diabetes Through Proper Nutrition

My brother and I run a pool & spa service company in Las Vegas, and some time ago we picked...

I’ve Finally Found Healthy Eggs!

In a recent blog article entitled A Word About Eggs & Inflammation, I explained the extremely high omega-6 (pro-inflammatory) fatty acids...

A Word About Eggs & Inflammation

Omega-6 fatty acids are pro-inflammatory, whereas omega-3 fatty acids are anti-inflammatory, therefore counteracting the inflammatory effects of omega-6. So whenever...

Are You a Time Thief?

Though today it seems to somehow be considered normal or acceptable behavior, I’ve long held the view that people who...

The Lowest Animal

The following essay was written by Mark Twain sometime around 1896 – 1897 (both dates are listed by various sources online); and...

About My Art: Why I Pursue Quality Over Quantity

In past discussions concerning my blog and/or books, many people have urged me to just start throwing stuff up on...

Why I Always Pick Up Pennies

“Find a penny, pick it up, and all the day you’ll have good luck!” Yes, we’ve all heard, and chanted—and...

VIDEO: How the Selfie Phenomenon is Redefining Beauty

I really liked this video (below), and it makes a very salient point toward the end: that social media (internet/digital...