Rand Eastwood is an author & blogger, artist & craftsman, and entrepreneur currently residing in Las Vegas, NV. He describes himself as an Individualist, Consensualist, Autarchist, Sophophile, & Syncretist. Certified in both nutrition and ancestral health, he is a healthy nutrition & lifestyle advocate. Under Eastwood Innovations, LLC he owns/operates both INSIGHTS Blog and Lifeology Store. Much of his fiction—including some award-winners—is available through his Amazon author page, as well as some freebies here, under My Fiction. He currently has an extensive novel under development (working title Primeval), along with various other writing projects. To follow his work elsewhere, simply follow the links in About or under Stay Connected in the right sidebar.

194 Articles Written0 Comments

Negotiating With Yourself

One of the more valuable skills I've learned in recent years is to negotiate with others; but what may be...

Request Denied: A Short Story

Request Denied was originally included in my dark fiction collection Rolling The Bones: 12 Tales of Life, Death, Loss, &...

Noteworthy: Are Intellectuals Finding God?

Something profound is happening. Instead of smirking at religion, some of our most important philosophers, novelists, and public intellectuals are...

Today’s Insight: January 4, 2024

Today's Insight | INSIGHTS Blog by Rand Eastwood

UPDATED: All About Eggs: Healthy vs. Unhealthy

Previously I published two articles about eggs, and turns out they’ve become two of my more popular articles, so I...

VIDEO: Playing with Fire: Money, Banking, and the Federal Reserve

The Mises Institute recently premiered their new documentary Playing with Fire: Money, Banking, and the Federal Reserve, which should be...

Noteworthy: Thomas Massie Introduces National Constitutional Carry Act

Representative Thomas Massie (R-KY) has introducted H.R. 9534, the National Constitutional Carry Act, which will ensure Americans' second amendment-protected right...

The Outsider: A Short Story

The Outsider is one of my favorite stories by H. P. Lovecraft, so I thought I’d share it here. Enjoy!

Today’s Cognition: October 18, 2024

Today's Cognition | INSIGHTS Blog by Rand Eastwood

VIDEO: Hoja Nueva is Rescuing 8 More Young Wildcats…

Once again, Hoja Nueva is rescuing endangered wildcats, this time five juvenile pumas, a baby pampas cat, and two juvenile...

Introducing: Liberty Coalition for Emergency Relief (VIDEO)

I recently heard about the Liberty Coalition for Emergency Relief, which was actually founded by liberty advocates, so I plan...

Noteworthy: VIDEO: SpaceX Tower Catches First Starship Rocket

On Sunday morning, Oct 13 2024, SpaceX's tower—aka “chopsticks”, or “Mechazilla”—caught their Starship rocket...

A Second Look at the Second Amendment (VIDEOS)

Recently, Elon Musk spoke at a Trump rally in Butler, Pennsylvania, wherein he advocated for both the first and second...