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Studying Multiple Scriptures Side By Side

Often a book in my studies will have footnotes or references to biblical scripture. Well, I own a Parallel Bible,...

The Costs of a New Life

This quite accurately describes the precipice upon which I have arrived and am pausing, contemplating...

Cat Rescue/Adoption Operations in Las Vegas

Being a cat lover, I follow/support various cat rescues here in Las Vegas. So, in an attempt to help them...

Contemplation: The Silence of the Lambs

When I was a kid, I somehow got it in my head that I wanted to start collecting butterflies...

The Ride of a Lifetime

I shared this amazing story on Facebook, but upon further consideration, decided it's worthy of sharing here, too...

Rep. Thomas Massie Introduces Bill to End The Fed

According to a recent press release on Rep. Thomas Massie's website, on May 16 2024 Massie introduced H.R. 8421, the...

The Importance of Social Fitness

I recently read an article over on The Art of Manliness entitled The Importance of Developing and Maintaining Your Social...

Carpe Diem!

Having once again achieved debtlessness, I can sense my life will be changing this year, like a subliminal undertow...

Announcement: INSIGHTS Blog is Now Expanded onto Substack!

On that platform, I plan to share the top featured articles from this blog...

Mindset Shift (UPDATED X2)

I started to become overwhelmed, even knowing I have the whole month ahead to work on it—but then, something clicked...

VIDEO: Being in the World, But not of the World, is a Lonely Road to Walk

I think the overarching concept of good vs. evil—or Truth vs. deception—can be the common thread, the unifying determinant.

UPDATED: “Rewilding” at the Hoja Nueva Center in the Peruvian Amazon

Dr. Samantha Zwicker, founder of Hoja Nueva, has rescued and rehabilitated hundreds of endangered animals in Peru, while protecting more...

VIDEO: Spike Cohen Explains How He’s Beating MS

MS-specific meds notwithstanding, I didn't see anything in Mr. Cohen's video that wouldn't be helpful to everyone, chronic disease or...

UPDATED: Hoja Nueva Has Acquired [Now 4] New Rescues!

Hoja Nueva—the organization founded by Samantha Zwicker, whose mission is the rescuing, rehabilitating, and re-releasing of endangered wildlife in the...