
Hell or High Water: A Short Story

This story began, as so many do, as an opening scene that kept rolling in my head for several days...

Primeval Novel Update

I’ve been working on a pivotal scene in my extensive novel Primeval, about midway through Part III, that I’ve been putting...

For Future Reference: A Short Story Challenge

One day, I decided to challenge myself, see if I could just sit down and write a story. This was...

Examination Day | A Short Story by Henry Slesar

One day during a discussion about books, a friend recommended I read the story Examination Day by Henry Slesar. It took...

The Lowest Animal

The following essay was written by Mark Twain sometime around 1896 – 1897 (both dates are listed by various sources online); and...

VIDEO: G. Edward Griffin Crash Course on The Creature From Jekyll Island: The Fed & Its Nefarious Agenda

“Permit me to issue and control the money of a  nation, and I care not who makes its laws!”  ~  Mayer...

About My Art: Why I Pursue Quality Over Quantity

In past discussions concerning my blog and/or books, many people have urged me to just start throwing stuff up on...

VIDEO: How the Selfie Phenomenon is Redefining Beauty

I really liked this video (below), and it makes a very salient point toward the end: that social media (internet/digital...

16 Precepts for Acquiring the Treasure of Knowledge

At the beginning of his forward to A. G. Sertillanges’ The Intellectual Life: Its Spirit, Conditions, Methods, Catholic Priest and Political Philosophy Professor James...

Amazon Isn’t Threatening to Drive Publishers & Bookstores Out of Business—Authors & Readers Are

I actually wrote this article back in 2014, but I believe the points are just as valid today, thought I’d...

Stories: Such Timid Little Creatures

Stories are like highly sensitive, timid little creatures; during times of stress and chaos and insecurity, etc., they all run...

The Law of Love vs. The Law of Violence

The following essay by Leo Tolstoy was originally included in the publication The Law of Love and the Law of...

Find What You Love, And Let It Kill You

At the time I wrote this, I was in the process of eliminating as many of the petty distractions in...