About Me
I am an author & blogger, artist & craftsman, and entrepreneur currently residing in beautiful Las Vegas, NV. Holding two nutritional certifications, I am a healthy nutrition, fitness, and lifestyle advocate. Ideologically, I describe myself as an individualistIndividualism:
The belief that all individuals are sovereign, having the sole and final authority over their own life, mind, body, labor, property, and wealth., consensualistConsensualism:
The belief that all interactions between individuals should be consensual among all involved, and not forced or coerced (or conversely, constrained or prohibited)., syncretist, & autarchist. As for BMTI profile, I am a strong INTJ (and BTW, got the mug too!). I love animals & wildlife, and am particularly fond of cats. I long to someday live in a small coastal village in a tropical climate, potentially south of the border (what can I say, I’m Aquarius, I need an ocean!)
(For a more complete biography, please feel free to review my Bio Page).
About My Fiction
I’ve been reading and writing (well, trying to write, anyway) since I was old enough to know how to do either. I still remember, when I was just a kid, spending endless hours downstairs banging away on my mom’s old typewriter, trying to write novels. In grade school I won a little writing contest and was published in the community newspaper. Later, in junior high school, I discovered they offered a typing class, and I immediately signed up—thus furthering my hope of becoming a writer. (If I remember correctly, I was the only guy in a class full of girls…I know, I know, showing my age…). As an adult, I worked as a technical writer, marketing & advertising copywriter, and graphic designer for a manufacturing company. During that time, I had a poem published (The Wall), as well as some articles in the local newspaper. I also wrote a little rhyming children’s book entitled Kip the Kangaroo (which never went anywhere—I didn’t know anyone who could draw cartoon animals!)
Years later, around 2001, while living in Houston, Texas, I completed my first short story: the psychologically twisted A Sweet Ride (which remains a reader favorite to this day).
Then in 2009, my mystifying story The Traveler was awarded First Place in the International Short Fiction competition hosted by Carpe Articulum Literary Review magazine. Also, my ghost story Forever Anna Day received Honorable Mention (essentially fourth place) in the same competition the following year. (Forever Anna Day has since been expanded to a novella, and is included in my collection Rolling The Bones, which is now available in hardcover, as well as paperback and on Kindle.
Also in 2010, my chilling story CATS (not the musical) ascended the ranks to become a Finalist (top 100) in the Writer’s Digest 79th Annual Writing Competition, in the Genre Short Story category (horror), and eventually placing 40th. CATS has since been greatly expanded to a short novel entitled CATS: the number of the beast (now included in the extended edition of my collection Rolling The Bones), which is now available in hardcover, as well as paperback and on Kindle.
In 2016, I published my dark fiction collection Rolling The Bones, which comprises twelve subtly interconnected tales: 8 short stories, 3 novellas, and a short novel. I followed up with a hardcover edition of Bones in 2021.
I currently have an extensive novel under development (working title Primeval, and estimated to weigh in at 750 – 800 pages), along with other various writing projects.
To peruse my fiction, and for notification of future book releases, you can visit/follow my Amazon Author Page.
About Lifeology Store
Lifeology Store is my online gift shop that features unique, exclusive, one-of-a-kind products & gifts (though right now it’s only custom-printed mugs, eventually the store will be expanded to include all sorts of unique items!)
A little history: I had an idea a couple of years ago, when I posted a pic on Facebook that happened to have a coffee mug I had designed and ordered online in the background (“It’s An INTJ Thing; You Wouldn’t Understand”), and to my surprise several people noticed it and said they wanted one!
So I thought about that for a long time (around two years). I liked the idea, but at the time just didn’t have the time or resources to pursue it. So I back-burnered the idea.
Then last year (2022) I spent around six months researching if/how I could do an eCommerce store, then in November decided to go for it. I then spent several months designing the Typology mugs, each of which required considerable research, as you can imagine:
Then in May 2023 I created the umbrella corporation, Eastwood Innovations LLC, and in June started building the online store, which took 4 months to develop and finally launch. Meantime, once the Typology mugs were finished and uploaded, I designed/added several mugs in the other categories to make the store more diverse prior to launch:
So: 2 years contemplating the idea, 6 months researching it, 8 months doing the design work, then 4 months to build/launch the store…needless to say, it’s been quite a challenge!
So if the Spirit moves you, please visit Lifeology Store gift shop and see if there’s anything you can’t live without!
Also, be sure to like/follow the Lifeology Store Facebook Page!
About This Blog (Mission)
Originally, back when this blog was Rand Eastwood Blog (and then INSIGHTS), I stated the following “mission”:
After a lifetime of learning, growing, and understanding (at least trying to) myself and this strange and wonderful world we live in, I decided to create this blog in order to share any and all tidbits, tips, knowledge, information, books, Truth, wisdom, hacks, etc. that I believe has aided me along my own journey, in the hope that it might aid someone else along theirs. I figure that if one single person benefits in some way from my efforts here, then I will have left the world just a tad better than when I arrived, and that is my ultimate goal.
But since then, this blog has expanded substantially beyond that initial quest—now including news items, videos, free ebooks, my own art and fiction, notable events and random bits of interesting knowledge, things/causes that I’m passionate about, etc., and I’m planning to add even more new categories as time permits—and so I’ve recently (March 2025) rebranded it to Lifeology: sharing my passion for Truth, wisdom, beauty, & wonder.
So now, along with the above stated mission, I’m also sharing more personal, heart-felt content as well…or, my own lifeology!
And a bonus: Lifeology Blog now dovetails nicely with my online gift shop Lifeology Store (and perhaps eventually, Lifeology Podcast too!)
(And again, please consider liking/following both Lifeology Blog and Lifeology Store on Facebook, thanks!)
Connect With Me
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• Or, newsletter subscribers can email me using the form on the contact page.
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Please consider subscribing to the INSIGHTS email newsletter: simply enter your email into the form below (also in the right sidebar)—or, if you prefer, just use this simple quick sign-up form. Thanks! ~ Rand