Around The World
You Can Help Rescue the Baby Pumas!
Hoja Nueva has recently acquired two baby pumas in immediate need of emergency care, and are asking for a little...
Noteworthy: Wealth is Increasing Around the World
Since the year 2000, the proportion of the world's population with a net worth less than $10,000 has plunged from...
UPDATED: “Rewilding” at the Hoja Nueva Center in the Peruvian Amazon
Dr. Samantha Zwicker, founder of Hoja Nueva, has rescued and rehabilitated hundreds of endangered animals in Peru, while protecting more...
UPDATED: Hoja Nueva Has Acquired [Now 4] New Rescues!
Hoja Nueva—the organization founded by Samantha Zwicker, whose mission is the rescuing, rehabilitating, and re-releasing of endangered wildlife in the...
VIDEO: Javier Milei Educates Tucker Carlson on the Immorality of Statism
I wanted to share Tucker Carlson's interview of then Argentinian presidential candidate Javier Milei—because somehow, he lays all this out...
VIDEO: Javier Milei Schools the World Economic Forum on…Well, Economics
Recently during his speech at the World Economic Forum’s annual conference in Davos, newly-elected Argentina President Javier Milei schooled the...
Hoja Nueva “Illicit Zoo Rescue” Operation Nearing Completion
Yes, I already posted this on Facebook—but this is important, and I want to do what I can to get...
VIDEO: 17+ Million Vax Deaths & Rising, and Global Tyranny Systems to be “Activated” May 2024?
Of all the news, stories, podcasts, articles, etc. I’ve seen in recent years predicting what’s coming, I must say that...
VIDEO: Obsession Over the Epstein Client List Overshadows Rising Tensions in the Middle East
While everyone is obsessing (and rightfully so) over the newly-released Epstein client list, tensions are dangerously rising in the Middle...
VIDEO: Newly-Elected Argentina President Javier Milei Explains Why Socialism Destroys Economies
In a recent interview, libertarian and newly elected Argentina President Javier Milei explained, in simple terms, why capitalism (aka free...
From Hoja Nueva: 3 More Baby Wildcats Need Some Help
Friends, I cannot recall, over the course of my entire life, ever coming across a project, a mission, for which...
Adopt a Wildcat, or Even Give a Gift Sponsorship
INSIGHTS subscribers know by now that I’m an avid supporter of Hoja Nueva‘s mission to rescue, rehabilitate, and release wildcats...