
Worth a Watch

VIDEO: Being in the World, But not of the World, is a Lonely Road to Walk

I think the overarching concept of good vs. evil—or Truth vs. deception—can be the common thread, the unifying determinant.

UPDATED: “Rewilding” at the Hoja Nueva Center in the Peruvian Amazon

Dr. Samantha Zwicker, founder of Hoja Nueva, has rescued and rehabilitated hundreds of endangered animals in Peru, while protecting more...

VIDEO: Spike Cohen Explains How He’s Beating MS

MS-specific meds notwithstanding, I didn't see anything in Mr. Cohen's video that wouldn't be helpful to everyone, chronic disease or...

VIDEO: Javier Milei Educates Tucker Carlson on the Immorality of Statism

I wanted to share Tucker Carlson's interview of then Argentinian presidential candidate Javier Milei—because somehow, he lays all this out...

VIDEO: Rough Landing Ends NASA’s Ingenuity Helicopter Mission

NASA’s Ingenuity Mars helicopter has suffered rotor damage, and has been permanently grounded...

VIDEO: Javier Milei Schools the World Economic Forum on…Well, Economics

Recently during his speech at the World Economic Forum’s annual conference in Davos, newly-elected Argentina President Javier Milei schooled the...

VIDEO: When We’re Told to Sit Down & Shut Up!

The following video was posted over on 𝕏, and I felt compelled to share it, both there and on Facebook,...

VIDEO: Elon Musk Delivers “State-of-the-Company” Presentation

Elon Musk recently gave a speech at Starbase in Brownsville, Texas, demonstrating the amazing achievements, continuing progress, and hopeful future...

VIDEO: Obsession Over the Epstein Client List Overshadows Rising Tensions in the Middle East

While everyone is obsessing (and rightfully so) over the newly-released Epstein client list, tensions are dangerously rising in the Middle...

VIDEO: Hundreds of Military Personnel Sign Letter to Leaders Demanding Accountability

On January 1st 2024, former army office Brad Miller sent an open letter to U.S. military leaders, signed by some...

VIDEO: True The Vote Wins Major Legal Battle in Georgia

Let me begin by saying what I said in my recent article VIDEO: Jan 6th – A True Timeline: “Let...

VIDEO: Rumble Shuts Down In Brazil Rather than Comply with Censorship Mandates

The free speech video platform Rumble has ceased their availability in Brazil, due to the Brazilian government’s censorship demands to...

VIDEO: Jan 6th – A True Timeline

Let me begin by saying that I’m not a Trump supporter. And, of course, neither am I a Biden supporter....