
Science, Technology, Gadgetry, & Space

VIDEOS: The Amazing Engineering of Perseverance Mars Rover, Plus 10 Years of 4k Images of the Red Planet

Two amazing videos, the first depicting the fascinating design/building/functions of the Perseverance Mars rover, the second a collection of high-resolution...

VIDEO: Rough Landing Ends NASA’s Ingenuity Helicopter Mission

NASA’s Ingenuity Mars helicopter has suffered rotor damage, and has been permanently grounded...

VIDEO: Elon Musk Delivers “State-of-the-Company” Presentation

Elon Musk recently gave a speech at Starbase in Brownsville, Texas, demonstrating the amazing achievements, continuing progress, and hopeful future...

VIDEOS: Federal Mandate – After 2026, All New Automobiles Must Include a “Kill Switch”

Kentucky Rep. Thomas Massie recently brought an Amendment to the floor of congress to defund the federally mandated automobile “kill...

VIDEOS: Just a Heads-Up—Two Films of Interest

I just wanted to send out a heads-up about two films I’ve recently learned about: 1) The Abyss Remastered Special...

VIDEO: Why Privacy Matters | Glenn Greenwald Speaks at TED

Back in 2014, prize-winning journalist and constitutional/civil rights attorney (and now host of the news program System Update) Glenn Greenwald...

Contemplation: New Religion = New Tyranny?

I recently read the following passage in The Unbearable Wholeness of Being by Ilia Delio, Founder of  the Center for...

An Exciting New Announcement From the Hoja Nueva Center

I’ve written before about the Hoja Nueva “rewilding” center in the Peruvian rain forest, being very impressed with founder Samantha...

VIDEO: Turning Up The Heat In…Siberia?

I originally wrote this article some years ago, entitled How the Internet Enables People to Transcend Political & Cultural Barriers,...

William Shatner on His Experience In Space

William Shatner's description of how he felt during his experience in space is both salient and emotional...

VIDEO: Anecdotals (of the Unacknowledged Vaccine Injury Victims)

In her documentary video entitled Anecdotals, film maker and vaccine injury victim Jennifer Sharp explores the countless people who have...

VIDEO: Most Popular Photos From Mars Rover Perseverance | 2022

Many of you are probably aware that I’m fascinated with the exploration of Mars. In fact, I hope to go...

VIDEO: The Healthcare Industry is Corrupted…What Can Be Done?

The National Health Federation recently hosted a conference call, wherein doctors and other health experts discussed the corruption of the...