
Minding Our Business

Announcement: Lifeology Store Has Finally Launched!

Just wanted to send out a notification that my online gift shop, Lifeology Store, has finally launched! Lifeology Store features...

A Message to Garcia by Elbert Hubbard

I recently discovered this little story by Elbert Hubbard, evidently penned in 1899 and published 1944, and it really resonated...

Are You a Time Thief?

Though today it seems to somehow be considered normal or acceptable behavior, I’ve long held the view that people who...

Amazon Isn’t Threatening to Drive Publishers & Bookstores Out of Business—Authors & Readers Are

I originally wrote this article back in 2014, but it’s been one of my more popular articles, and since the...

The Death of Sears: A Study In Corporate Suicide

This article was originally published in February 2015, then updated in October 2018 upon Sears filing chapter 11 bankruptcy. In...