Hoja Nueva “Illicit Zoo Rescue” Operation Nearing Completion

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Yes, I already posted this on Facebook—but this is important, and I want to do what I can to get the word out, so I’m posting it here as well:

My “cause of choice”, Hoja Nueva, founded by Dr. Samantha Zwicker, has been in the process of shutting down an illicit wild animal trafficking center in Puerto Maldonado (Peru), and moving the abused and neglected animals to the Hoja Nueva facility for medical attention, proper healthy care, and rehabilitation, with the hope of eventually releasing them back into the Peruvian rain forest (“rewilding”), or those that are too damaged for rewilding will live the rest of their lives in their sanctuary, living normal, peaceful, healthy lives in a natural but secure habitat.

Ever since I learned of Hoja Nueva & founder Samantha Zwicker‘s efforts (via the documentary Wildcat available on Amazon Prime Video) I’ve been an avid supporter of their mission and operations, both ideologically and financially. As Insights Blog subscribers are aware, I’ve written several articles about them, and follow their operations via every means available: their email newsletter, their Facebook page, their 𝕏 profile, etc.

And once again, I am compelled to encourage people to help them complete their “illicit zoo rescue” operation, if anyone is able/willing. But this time, a generous donor has offered to match donations up to $5k, ultimately doubling the total to $10k!

From Hoja Nueva:

“Phase one of the ‘zoo’ shutdown was a big success. With your help, we purchased two tonnes of chainlink fencing and an extra tonne of metal tubing. We hired a crew large enough to build seven enclosures in under one month. We then successfully rescued and transported the first nine animals to our rehabilitation center, and processed all of their samples to test for potential sickness and disease.

Upon arriving at the zoo it was clear this was just the first of several rescue missions that would be required in order to complete our goal. All of the animals were in poor health and there were far more animals in need than expected, requiring more infrastructure necessary than previously planned in order to take them all in.

Our next phase is happening shortly and will conclude with bringing back the largest animals we had planned for: one jaguar (Preciosa), one puma (Ñanay), three white caiman, two anacondas, and one giant black caiman.

Fortunately, we are excited to share that a generous donor has agreed to match up to $5,000 USD, which would provide us with an additional $10,000 USD to assist with some of these incremental costs for the additional animals, infrastructure and longer term rehabilitation. If you would like contribute to this matching opportunity, any amount is helpful and donations can be made at our updated zoo fundraiser at the following link. Your help has been so critical to get this far with the rescues and is so greatly appreciated to give these animals the life they deserve in the wild.

We will keep you updated. We hope to have all of them out by the end of January.”

So obviously, any donation will help, and as of this writing they are within $2500 of the $5k ($10k) goal. I will post their website link for info about their operations, along with this specific donation link at the bottom of this article ↓↓↓.

With our help, perhaps they can finish rescuing these poor animals by then end of January as hoped. Thanks! ~ Rand 🙂

For More Info:
Zoo Rescue Donation Site
Hoja Nueva Website
Other Articles About Hoja Nueva

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Rand Eastwood

Rand Eastwood is an author & blogger, artist & craftsman, and entrepreneur currently residing in Las Vegas, NV. Under Eastwood Innovations, LLC he owns/operates Lifeology Store. Also, much of his fiction—including some award-winners—is available through his Amazon author page. He also has an extensive novel under development (working title Primeval), along with various other writing projects. To follow his work elsewhere, simply follow the links under Stay Connected in the right sidebar.