I initially wrote this article back in December 2022, but have since updated it twice, so I thought I’d re-share it, as it pertains to progress on my novel-in-process Primeval:
Dec 2022:
As many of you probably know, I’m taking the month of December off my job (taking advantage of a business restructuring in the off-season), and have been working feverishly meantime to clear my plate as much as possible so I can focus on the novel (Primeval), try to get it closer to completion, maybe even first draft, maybe even (pie in the sky!) ARCs to send out for friends to review before final publication.
So I started reviewing the Scrivener file yesterday. And, even though it’s already currently at around 450 pages, I was taken aback as to how much work is yet to be done (I’m thinking minimum 600 pages, similar to Rolling The Bones, but am anticipating more like 800, perhaps more).
I started to become overwhelmed, even knowing I have the whole month ahead to work on it—
—but then, something clicked in my head: a mindset shift…
Instead of anticipating a month of working my ass off and risking burnout and ultimately failure, I’ve decided to settle in for the long-haul. Yes, take advantage of the month off work and get as much of the novel done as possible—but the reality is, the book is gonna take at least 6 more months of steady work to bring it even close to what I’m envisioning.
And suddenly, it became much more doable in my mind—like when you decide to change your lifestyle and start eating healthy and hitting the gym a few times a week, or begin any other long-term project like a home renovation (like I just spent 3+ months renovating my home office into a “comprehensive production studio”, which finally came to fruition in November) or designing & building something in the shop, or signing up for a class, whatever—rather than trying to make it the top priority, and stressing over getting it done (an approach which has been shown in studies to actually increase delays and decrease work quality), instead it’s suddenly become integrated into my life, an over-arching project, a part of my daily routine.
And it’ll be done when it’s done.
Like Rolling The Bones—when so many people were urging me to get it done and publish it already, yet I refused to cut corners to expedite it, and actually published it a few months later than projected so I could make it as good as it could possibly be, as close as possible to what I had envisioned, and not regret hurrying the project and wishing I hadn’t. And to this day, I believe Bones is as good as it could possibly be.
And I expect Primeval to be even better. Much better, in fact.
So after years of delays, perhaps I’ll finally get the novel finished sometime in 2023. I think that’s very doable, as long as I stick to the routine—just like hitting the gym, or taking a class, or bringing any other big project to fruition, etc…
UPDATE Nov 2023:
Though I did get considerable work done on the novel last December (as discussed above), it’s still far from complete; but the progress I made enabled me to finalize the entire story-line/Scrivener outline from start to finish (est. around 150 scenes total), and this year have scheduled the entire winter off my job (Dec 2023 – Feb 2024) with the hope of finally completing it, or at least close enough I can work to finish it around my job and other responsibilities, and finally publish it spring/summer of 2024!
UPDATE May 2024:
Unfortunately, I spent the first 2 of the 3 months I took off my job over the winter just trying to get everything else in my life caught up (being forced to live 2 distinct lives is extremely difficult, especially as age sets in and energy wanes), and was also called back to work for 2 weeks in January due to weather damage, so was only able to spend a few weeks toward the end of my hiatus intently focused on Primeval. The good news is, there was a major scene—that I’d not even started yet—that needed to be added to Part I, and I was able to get that done, to the tune of 9500 words! So that was a substantial leap forward, and with the novel now sitting at around 550 pages, with two sections of the three-part prologue yet to come, as well as the last half of Part III/novel conclusion, I’m more confident than ever that it will, in fact, hit the 800+ page mark that I’ve been envisioning! So I’m now in discussions with my partner about taking the hot summer months off my job (July & August) to once again focus on the novel…I doubt that’ll work out financially, but I’ll definitely be taking the winter months off again, so maybe I can finally get it finished!
UPDATE Jul 1 2024:
I did negotiate part-time status with my partner for the summer. This is enabling me to get considerable work done, plus of course expand my studies. As I’ve mentioned in several prior social media posts and blog articles, my life is changing—though in ways I hadn’t anticipated. Interestingly, seems I’m experiencing more change by simply allowing change and having faith, rather than trying to force change base on my own vision. And it seems to be more of a blossoming, then a transition. So I’m rolling with it, and watching/enjoying what happens…
And I do plan to once again take the winter months off entirely, and am fairly confident I will finally get the novel done.
Anyway, the point is this: even with the seemingly cripplingly slow progress, and knowing the extent of the work yet to be done, I remain calm and confident due to my recently adopted shift in mindset: long-term vision & lifestyle practice vs. short-term work & stressed/overwhelmed, and thought I’d share, with the hope that the concept may be helpful to others with their endeavors.
Also, a note to readers:
Along with the novel Primeval, I’m now contemplating two potential future book projects, of the non-fiction variety. So I would like to invite y’all to follow my Amazon author page, to get notified of any/all of my future book releases.
~ Rand
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