
A Message to Garcia

I recently stumbled across this little story by Elbert Hubbard, evidently penned in 1899 and published 1944, and it really...

Why Truth Matters

Previously I wrote an article entitled The Importance of Honesty, Integrity, & Authenticity, wherein I related an unfortunate experience I...

The Importance of Honesty, Integrity, & Authenticity

I recently found myself in the unfortunate position of having to end—or at least greatly curtail—a relationship with someone close...

Forgiving The Unforgivable (Updated)

I originally wrote this article several years ago (entitled “How Do I Forgive The Unforgivable?”) and it has been one...

Mindset Shift

As many of you probably know, I’m taking the month of December (2022) off my job (taking advantage of a...

A Letter to a Hindu: The Subjection of India—its Cause and Cure

The following letter was penned by Leo Tolstoy in 1908, in reply to a letter from the editor of Free...

Are You a Time Thief?

Though today it seems to somehow be considered normal or acceptable behavior, I’ve long held the view that people who...

Why I Always Pick Up Pennies

“Find a penny, pick it up, and all the day you’ll have good luck!” Yes, we’ve all heard, and chanted—and...

Contemplation: Self Acceptance & Working With Confidence

I recently came across the following passage in Ralph Waldo Emerson’s essay Self Reliance, which is included in the book...

16 Precepts for Acquiring the Treasure of Knowledge

At the beginning of his forward to A. G. Sertillanges’ The Intellectual Life: Its Spirit, Conditions, Methods, Catholic Priest and Political Philosophy Professor James...

The Benefits of Chuckfests

I no longer keep “stuff” around; if an item is no longer utilitarian to me, I chuck it, sell it,...

The Law of Love vs. The Law of Violence

The following essay by Leo Tolstoy was originally included in the publication The Law of Love and the Law of...

Find What You Love, And Let It Kill You

At the time I wrote this, I was in the process of eliminating as many of the petty distractions in...

Making Good Art: Risking Non-Conformity & Embracing Failure

An unfortunate paradox that we all face is this: humanity reveres non-conformists from the past, but persecutes them in the present....