I recently came across the following passages in James Allen‘s collection Mind is the Master, and they really struck me (particularly the text that I’ve bolded), thought I’d share:
“If you are daily praying for wisdom, for peace, for loftier purity and a fuller realization of Truth, and that for which you pray is still far from you, it means that you are praying for one thing while living out in thought and act another. If you will cease from such waywardness, taking your mind off those things the selfish clinging to which debars you from the possession of the stainless realities for which you pray: if you will no longer ask God to grant you that which you do not deserve, or to bestow upon you that love and compassion which you refuse to bestow upon others, but will commence to think and act in the spirit of Truth, you will day by day be growing into those realities, so that ultimately you will become one with them.”
Later in the text, he reiterates:
“If, O reader! you would realise the Joy that never ends, and the tranquillity that cannot be disturbed; if you would leave behind forever your sins, your sorrow, your anxieties, and perplexities; if, I say, you would partake of this salvation, this supremely glorious Life, then conquer yourself. Bring every thought, every impulse, every desire into perfect obedience to the divine power resident within you. There is no other way to peace but this; and if you refuse to walk it, your much praying and your strict adherence to ritual will be fruitless and unavailing, and neither gods nor angels can help you.”
And again, in his renowned book As A Man Thinketh:
“Not what he wishes and prays for does a man get, but what he justly earns. His wishes and prayers are only gratified and answered when they harmonize with his thoughts and actions.”
(You can also download the free ebook As A Man Thinketh here).
Similar to Gandhi famously suggesting that we “be the change”, I would interpret the above as something like “be your prayers,” or “live your prayers”…
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