From Hoja Nueva: 3 More Baby Wildcats Need Some Help

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I cannot recall, over the course of my entire life, ever coming across a project, a mission, for which I have felt so much passion, and with which I so wanted to be involved, as I have with the Hoja Nueva center located in the Peruvian Amazon rain forest, spearheaded by Founder & Co-Director (now Dr.) Samantha Zwicker.

Unfortunately, their being a non-profit organization, and my having no professional training or credentials in that field of work, nor being in the financial position to work as a volunteer (let alone for philanthropic or angel investing), about the only way I can be involved is to donate what I can (which, as most of you know I’m taking a hiatus from my job for the winter to try to finish my novel Primeval—so, essentially temporarily unemployed—which makes donating even more difficult, but I’m doing what I can), and, probably even more effectively, spreading the word in the hope that others may be able and willing to help.

So I’ve written here several times about them:

“Rewilding” at the Hoja Nueva Center in the Peruvian Amazon, wherein I discuss the now award winning documentary Wildcat (free on Amazon Prime Video), and how, though the documentary seems to focus on the discharged soldier with “recurrent depression and PTSD” who, while traveling to find/heal himself, landed at Hoja Nueva and started working with Samantha to rehabilitate/re-release the cats, and how the work was helping both him and the wildcats, “it was the Hoja Nueva center’s mission itself, and what they are working to accomplish under the guidance of the founder and co-director of the facility, tropical biologist and wildlife rehabilitation specialist Dr. Samantha Zwicker, that really caught my interest…” which led to much research and a more in-depth article about Sam and the Hoja Nueva center…

An Exciting New Announcement From the Hoja Nueva Center, wherein I share Hoja Nueva‘s announcement of a new Ecology Summer Camp for college students, a workshop focused on research and monitoring methods used to study wildlife in their natural habitat…

VIDEO: The Hoja Nueva Center Needs Our Help, wherein wherein I share Samantha’s attempt, working with the local government, to close down an illicit “zoo” (wildlife trafficking operation) and adopt the remaining animals there for rehab, and eventual rewilding for those capable (or a healthy, happy sanctuary home for those that aren’t), and the center’s dire need of donations to accomplish this, through Operation Zoo Rescue. In the process, she visited the “zoo” and shot some heart-wrenching video of these poor, abused animals to help demonstrate what’s happening and why it needs to end…

Adopt a Wildcat, or Even Give a Gift Sponsorship, wherein I share Hoja Nueva‘s new and unique “sponsor a rescue animal” program, through which donors can contribute to or even sponsor the care of specific animals, or even “adopt” one in a loved one’s name as a gift, for which a personalized gift card is offered…

Well now, they’ve sent word that they’ve adopted 3 new baby wildcats: a jaguar, a jaguarundi, and a margay:

And once again, they’re in need of donations to help sponsor these poor animals’ medical care, rehabilitation, and eventual re-release (jaguarundi here, jaguar & margay here)—and they’re even offering to let the top donors to each name the cats if they wish, how cool is that?—and once again, I’m donating what I can, and asking others to consider doing so as well, if willing and able. Or if not, simply help spread the word, share these articles on social media and with your friends and family! That’s really all I can ask…

Also, as far donations, they have other donation options as well, including an Amazon Wish List from which much needed supplies can be purchased and delivered directly to the facility, many of which are relatively inexpensive, and/or you can purchase items from their online store, and again many are inexpensive (I am now the proud owner of several), to help support them.

Anyway, that’s all for now, just wanted to send out an update on the ongoing efforts of the Hoja Nueva Center and their very worthy and highly noble mission.

And thank you in advance for any donations anyone can give! And Happy Holidays! 🙂 ~ Rand

UPDATE April 2024:
I’ve now written several articles about Dr. Samantha Zwicker‘s work through the Hoja Nueva center, which I’ve compiled here: Hoja Nueva

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Rand Eastwood

Rand Eastwood is an author & blogger, artist & craftsman, and entrepreneur currently residing in Las Vegas, NV. Under Eastwood Innovations, LLC he owns/operates Lifeology Store. Also, much of his fiction—including some award-winners—is available through his Amazon author page. He also has an extensive novel under development (working title Primeval), along with various other writing projects. To follow his work elsewhere, simply follow the links under Stay Connected in the right sidebar.