A while back I posted about the Flying Dutchman Pirate Ghost Ship 3D puzzle I built, and more recently that I finally finished the Tortuga Pirate Bay shipwreck 3D puzzle, following up that I was planning to do the Beyond Library Miniature Library Book Nook next…
Well, I just finished the Beyond Library Book Nook, and it’s very cool! (IMO).
And, like both the Flying Dutchman and the Pirate Bay, the Beyond Library lights up, making it even more impressive, especially while nestled between your books on the shelf! Check it out:
And in case you missed the others, here are some shots of them too:
The Tortuga Pirate Bay Shipwreck, Daytime & Nighttime
The Flying Dutchman Ghost Ship, Daytime & Nighttime
And in case anyone is interested in building these kits, here’s the links for all of them on Amazon:
Flying Dutchman Ghost Ship 3D Puzzle
Pirate Bay Shipwreck 3D Puzzle
Beyond Library Book Nook Kit
Anyway, I’ve really enjoyed building all of these kits, and wanted to share…enjoy!
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