I happened to come across two videos yesterday, both of which impacted me so much I thought I’d share them both here.
These videos are beautiful, not only from a musical perspective, but even more importantly, from a humanity perspective. They both gave me goosebumps, and the first one actually made me tear up a little! *I think there’s something in my eye…*blink blink*.
And videos like these lead me to believe that perhaps there’s hope for the human race after all…
Anyway, this first video is of a flashmob at Plaça de Sant Roc in Sabadell, Spain (just north of Barcelona), involving the participation of 100 musicians and singers from the Vallès Symphony Orchestra, Amics de l’Òpera de Sabadell, Coral Belles Arts, and Cor Lieder Camera, performing Beethoven’s Symphony No. 9 in 2012 during the 30th anniversary celebration of Banco Sabadell):
Next, this video from 2010 features members of the Notre Dame marching band performing a rendition of OK Go‘s This Too Shall Pass from the album Of the Blue Colour of the Sky. There were notations on one version I watched (sorry, can’t seem to find that one now) that said they purposely didn’t wear Notre Dame insignia due to potential copyright issues, and that the college students worked up the routine and shot the video during their “fall break”.
Again, the beauty of humanity, working in voluntary cooperation with each other, to produce something so awesome, warms my heart:
Anyway, just wanted to send y’all some good cheer as we enter the new year! I hope 2024 is awesome for all of you!
~ Rand
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