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Cat Rescue/Adoption Operations in Las Vegas

Being a cat lover, I follow/support various cat rescues here in Las Vegas. So, in an attempt to help them...

Contemplation: The Silence of the Lambs

When I was a kid, I somehow got it in my head that I wanted to start collecting butterflies...

The Ride of a Lifetime

I shared this amazing story on Facebook, but upon further consideration, decided it's worthy of sharing here, too...

Noteworthy: Rep. Thomas Massie Introduces Bill to End The Fed

According to a recent press release on Rep. Thomas Massie's website, on May 16 2024 Massie introduced H.R. 8421, the...

Noteworthy: The Importance of Social Fitness

I recently read an article over on The Art of Manliness entitled The Importance of Developing and Maintaining Your Social...

Carpe Diem!

Having once again achieved debtlessness, I can sense my life will be changing this year, like a subliminal undertow...

Mindset Shift (UPDATED X2)

I started to become overwhelmed, even knowing I have the whole month ahead to work on it—but then, something clicked...

VIDEO: Being ‘In’ the World, But not ‘Of’ the World is a Lonely Road to Walk

I think the overarching concept of good vs. evil—or Truth vs. deception—can be the common thread, the unifying determinant.

UPDATED: “Rewilding” at the Hoja Nueva Center in the Peruvian Amazon

Dr. Samantha Zwicker, founder of Hoja Nueva, has rescued and rehabilitated hundreds of endangered animals in Peru, while protecting more...

VIDEO: Spike Cohen Explains How He’s Beating MS

MS-specific meds notwithstanding, I didn't see anything in Mr. Cohen's video that wouldn't be helpful to everyone, chronic disease or...

UPDATED: Hoja Nueva Has Acquired [Now 4] New Rescues!

Hoja Nueva—the organization founded by Samantha Zwicker, whose mission is the rescuing, rehabilitating, and re-releasing of endangered wildlife in the...

VIDEO: Javier Milei Educates Tucker Carlson on the Immorality of Statism

I wanted to share Tucker Carlson's interview of then Argentinian presidential candidate Javier Milei—because somehow, he lays all this out...

Live Not By Lies

Upon reading Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn's Live Not By Lies, I decided to publish it here, since Truth is a core tenet...

A New Surge Toward Liberty?

I found this post to be optimistic and uplifting—probably the most I've experienced since Ron Paul's 2012 presidential campaign—so I...