
Toward Individual Liberty & Societal Freedom

Statism Is Immoral

Government—being institutionalized violence—is immoral, thus I cannot in good conscience voluntarily participate in or support it...

Contemplation: Rendering Unto Caesar

I’m currently in the throes of this amazing 1030-page novel, The Instructions by Adam Levin… …and in the process, I...

VIDEO: WikiRebels, the Documentary About Julian Assange & Wikileaks

Though it was released back in 2010, I only recently discovered WikiRebels, the documentary film about Julian Assange and the...

Men Who Would Be Gods

Questioning Institutions of Authority Contrary to popular belief, Jesus Christ was not charged with and thereby executed for , but...

Contemplation: Ending the War on Drugs by Criminalizing ALL Drugs

I recently read A Naked Singularity by Sergio de la Pava, and it was one of the most engaging novels...

VIDEO: Congress Is Broken (or, more accurately, corrupted)

Recently (Jan 5 2023), Justin Amash guested on Glenn Greenwald’s System Update newscast, and revealed the astonishing (and infuriating) level...

VIDEO: Recap of the Biggest Stories of 2022

As many of you may be aware, Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist Glenn Greenwald is now hosting a live news broadcast on...

Why Truth Matters

NOTE: Previously I wrote an article entitled The Importance of Honesty, Integrity, & Authenticity, wherein I related an unfortunate experience...

The Importance of Honesty, Integrity, & Authenticity

I recently found myself in the unfortunate position of having to end—or at least greatly curtail—a relationship with someone close...

VIDEO: The Healthcare Industry is Corrupted…What Can Be Done?

The National Health Federation recently hosted a conference call, wherein doctors and other health experts discussed the corruption of the...

VIDEO: A Brief Glimpse of the Truth about US Involvement in Ukraine

Here’s a brief (4 mins) glimpse of the truth about US involvement in Ukraine, via Glenn Greenwald on Tucker Carlson...

A Letter to a Hindu: The Subjection of India—its Cause and Cure

The following letter was penned by Leo Tolstoy in 1908, in reply to a letter from the editor of Free...

The Immorality (and Futility) of Voting

When I set out to write this article, I began by describing the futility of my experiences with voting over...

VIDEO: A Cost-Benefit Analysis of the Human Spirit (Audio)

For years, one of my more ambitious endeavors was an attempt to integrate the philosophies of liberty and spirituality. Turns...