
Worth a Watch

VIDEO: The Healthcare Industry is Corrupted…What Can Be Done?

The National Health Federation recently hosted a conference call, wherein doctors and other health experts discussed the corruption of the...

VIDEO: A Brief Glimpse of the Truth about US Involvement in Ukraine

Here’s a brief (4 mins) glimpse of the truth about US involvement in Ukraine, via Glenn Greenwald on Tucker Carlson...

VIDEO: Died Suddenly Documentary

First of all, to be clear: I don’t subscribe to the global depopulation via vaccinations conspiracy theory (as it makes...

VIDEO: G20 Leaders Planning WHO-Recommended Vaccine Passports

In the following video, Dr. John Campbell shares statements that came out of the latest G20 summit in Bali, Indonesia...

VIDEO: A Cost-Benefit Analysis of the Human Spirit (Audio)

For years, one of my more ambitious endeavors was an attempt to integrate the philosophies of liberty and spirituality. Turns...

VIDEO: Crimes Against Humanity

This documentary is extremely important for everyone to see and share. Unfortunately, Facebook won’t share it, though I’ve posted the...

VIDEO: The True Story of the Bundy Ranch Standoff

I believe that many (or even most) people don’t understand what the 2014 Bundy Ranch standoff was actually about. In fact, I’ve...

VIDEO: Reversing (Or Even Eliminating) Type 2 Diabetes Through Proper Nutrition

My brother and I run a pool & spa service company in Las Vegas, and some time ago we picked...

VIDEO: G. Edward Griffin Crash Course on The Creature From Jekyll Island: The Fed & Its Nefarious Agenda

“Permit me to issue and control the money of a  nation, and I care not who makes its laws!”  ~  Mayer...

VIDEO: How the Selfie Phenomenon is Redefining Beauty

I really liked the following video, and it makes a very salient point toward the end: that social media (internet/digital...