Imagine a day, long ago, when a young, timid, scared Michael Jordan ventured out onto a basketball court for the very first time…I imagine that eventually, he was pretty glad that he took that risk!
So if you have an ambition, a goal, an idea, a dream, a venture or adventure, toward which you’ve not yet begun working or exploring…why not make today your first day out on that court?
Just consider the words of Jeff Bezos, when describing his approach to running the trillion-dollar corporation Amazon: It is always day one.
So make today day one: venture out onto that court; make that phone call; visit that place you’re interested in and speak with someone there about it (if nothing else, do a drive-by or two, break the ice, then go back when it’s more in your comfort zone); start that online search & bookmark informative sites; send that email(s) requesting more information…
Go ahead, get your feet wet…take some baby steps…you might just surprise yourself, and eventually be glad that you took the risk!
Yes! Make today day one!
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