Just wanted to announce that I’ve added a new section to INSIGHTS: Free Ebook Downloads (located in the right sidebar):
With my years of experience publishing books, and working as Publications Manager back in the day, I decided it only makes sense to start publishing ebooks and offer them for free to my readers.
Though I’ve published several already, I’m working on more, and plan to add to the list indefinitely into the future. And I’m even working on 230+ page book that has had a big impact on my and my life, which, once completed and published, I plan to offer for free to new subscribers. I hope to make that announcement soon…
Meantime, along with the new section in the right sidebar, here is a list of those ebooks that are already available, with quick download links…enjoy!
A Bearable Darkness of Being by Rand Eastwood
Hell or High Water by Rand Eastwood
The Wizards of Ozymandias: Reflections on the Decline and Fall by Butler Shaffer
As A Man Thinketh by James Allen
George Washington’s Farewell Address
The Lowest Animal & The War Prayer by Mark Twain
A Letter to a Hindu by Leo Tolstoy
The Law of Love & The Law of Violence by Leo Tolstoy
The First Step, or the Morals of Diet by Leo Tolstoy
Collection of Three Essays (listed above) by Leo Tolstoy
Self-Reliance by Ralph Waldo Emerson
The Russell-Einstein Manifesto
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