Random Thoughts & Ponderings
Contemplation: Monotheism
Many of you know I consider myself a That said, I recently read the following passage in Franciscan friar, ecumenical...
Contemplation: Religion as Self-Control
I recently shared my conceptualization of God, using an analogy of one day last summer finding a tiny hummingbird’s nest...
Contemplation: My Conceptualization of God
This past summer, over the short span of a month or two, I had no less than five random people...
Contemplation: Giving & Forgiving
I’ve come to believe that true giving, and true forgiving, should both be offered unconditionally. Giving As for giving, Leo...
Contemplation: Collectivism, the Evolutionary Hurdle
Recently, there were tenants staying at one of our service properties, guests visiting from California. I got to chatting with...
Contemplation: Freedom vs Power, Education vs Entertainment
For over 25 years I’ve been beating the liberty drum, and have always been perplexed that so few seem to...
Contemplation: Different Types or Levels of Rock-Bottom?
I’ve hit what I considered to be “rock bottom” a few times in my life. The first time, I was...
Contemplation: Self Acceptance & Working With Confidence
I recently came across the following passage in Ralph Waldo Emerson’s essay Self Reliance, which is included in the book...
Contemplation: The Spiritual Journey, or Self-Actualization
I recently came across the following quote while reviewing Dr. Wayne Dyer‘s book The Power of Intention, which I read...