
Words to Live By

Negotiating With Yourself

One of the more valuable skills I've learned in recent years is to negotiate with others; but what may be...

Reduce the Overwhelming to Micro-Steps & Get Started!

Often people never get started on things they need to do—the important things—because they let all the details, all the...

Studying Multiple Scriptures Side By Side

Often a book in my studies will have footnotes or references to biblical scripture. Well, I own a Parallel Bible,...

The Costs of a New Life

This quite accurately describes the precipice upon which I have arrived and am pausing, contemplating...

VIDEO: Being ‘In’ the World, But not ‘Of’ the World is a Lonely Road to Walk

I think the overarching concept of good vs. evil—or Truth vs. deception—can be the common thread, the unifying determinant.

VIDEO: Spike Cohen Explains How He’s Beating MS

MS-specific meds notwithstanding, I didn't see anything in Mr. Cohen's video that wouldn't be helpful to everyone, chronic disease or...

Live Not By Lies

Upon reading Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn's Live Not By Lies, I decided to publish it here, since Truth is a core tenet...

Life is Too Short to Wait

I've recently witnessed some alarming incidents that really impacted my thinking...

The War Prayer by Mark Twain

Mark Twain wrote The War Prayer in 1905, in response to the Spanish–American War and the subsequent Philippine–American War. It...

VIDEO: When We’re Told to Sit Down & Shut Up!

The following video was posted over on 𝕏, and I felt compelled to share it, both there and on Facebook,...

17 Life-Learnings from 17 Years of The Marginalian

NOTE: The following article by Maria Popova was originally published at The Marginalian (formerly known as Brain Pickings), and really...

UPDATED (VIDEO): Since We Can’t Wait Until The Next Extinction-Level Impact Event…

I recently posted a contemplation entitled Can We Wait Until The Next Extinction-Level Impact Event? wherein I suggest that it...

Contemplation: God as Truth

I am increasingly coming to believe that God is Truth; or rather, Truth is God… I recently touched on the...