
Hope For Humanity

UPDATED: Video: Meet Logos Hope, the Bookstore & Cultural Center on a Cruise Ship!

Back in January, I published an article about Logos Hope, the “book fair” and cultural/educational center on a cruise ship,...

Contemplation: Peace Within

I recently read the following passage by philosopher James Allen in his collection Mind is the Master, and it really...

William Shatner on His Experience In Space

William Shatner's description of how he felt during his experience in space is both salient and emotional...

A Message to Garcia by Elbert Hubbard

I recently discovered this little story by Elbert Hubbard, evidently penned in 1899 and published 1944, and it really resonated...

VIDEO: Meet Logos Hope, the Bookstore & Cultural Center on a Cruise Ship!

The world’s largest floating bookfair, Logos Hope remains in each port for two weeks, receiving thousands of visitors daily. Representing...

Video: “Rewilding” at the Hoja Nueva Center in the Peruvian Amazon

The Wildcat documentary presents the work of Dr. Samantha Zwicker through the Hoja Nueva Center to rescue, rehabilitate, and "rewild"...

Forgiving The Unforgivable (UPDATED)

NOTE: I originally wrote this article several years ago (entitled “How Do I Forgive The Unforgivable?”) and it has been...

A Letter to a Hindu: The Subjection of India—its Cause and Cure

The following letter was penned by Leo Tolstoy in 1908, in reply to a letter from the editor of Free...

Contemplation: God as a Verb

I was recently introduced to the concept of God as a verb—which, being one who has never claimed to be...

Contemplation: Religion as Self-Control

I recently shared my conceptualization of God, using an analogy of one day last summer finding a tiny hummingbird’s nest...

Contemplation: My Conceptualization of God

This past summer, over the short span of a month or two, I had no less than five random people...

Contemplation: Giving & Forgiving

I’ve come to believe that true giving, and true forgiving, should both be offered unconditionally. As for forgiveness, we cannot...

Why I Always Pick Up Pennies

“Find a penny, pick it up, and all the day you’ll have good luck!” Yes, we’ve all heard, and chanted—and...

Contemplation: Self Acceptance & Working With Confidence

I recently came across the following passage in Ralph Waldo Emerson’s essay Self Reliance, which is included in the book...