Once again, Hoja Nueva—the organization founded by Samantha Zwicker, whose mission is the rescuing, rehabilitating, and re-releasing of endangered wildlife in the Amazon rainforest (and which has become my top non-profit/cause in which I strongly believe and support, and about which I’ve written several articles here)—has acquired some newly rescued infant animals, and could use a little help.
From Hoja Nueva:
“More rescues and we need a hand: a young ocelot, an infant margay, and a baby kinkajou.
This wet season has presented unprecedented challenges. Despite severe weather and flooding, we successfully completed our zoo closure operations and continued to welcome numerous wild animals in need simultaneously. If you missed it – you can check out our previous newsletter about the official closing of Puerto’s last center of wildlife trafficking.
Notably, this wet season has brought an unprecedented number of infant animals into our care. Our nursery is full!
The increasing number of animals needing rescue may be due to a rise in wildlife being taken from their natural habitats across Peru. It may also reflect growing recognition of our effective methods, leading the government and other organizations to entrust us with more animals.Among our recent rescues is a young ocelot named Mara, found by the police in Iquitos, Peru. Currently in temporary care at another center, she will soon need a permanent home experienced in wild cat rehabilitation.
We have also received reports of an infant margay and an infant kinkajou, both in critical need of proper care and nutrition. These early stages are vital for their health and development, requiring urgent attention, veterinary care, and a peaceful environment.
Regrettably, these young animals were taken from their natural habitat by other conservation organizations in our region. This highlights the need for careful consideration when choosing which organizations to support, as well as the importance of training and education about wildlife and ethics, particularly in the context of tourism and its impact on the pet trade. However, thanks to our efforts and expertise, we are confident that both will be successfully re-released into the forests of Las Piedras, where they belong.
You can play a crucial role in the rehabilitation of these three magnificent creatures. At Hoja Nueva, they will receive the best chance for a future in the wild. Your support will also enable us to rescue and care for more infant animals in need.
As a special thank you, the two donors with the largest one-time donations to the linked campaign will have the opportunity to name the infant margay and the infant kinkajou. Please include your name with your donation, unless you prefer to remain anonymous.We are deeply grateful for your continued support. Together, we can give these and many other wild animals across Peru a second chance at life in the wild. With your help, we can achieve the extraordinary!
Thank you for being a part of our mission.
Samantha Zwicker, PhD
Executive Director
Hoja Nueva“
Since the writing of this article Hoja Nueva has acquired a baby jaguar, which has been added to this fundraiser, along with requisite facility expansion needs.
From founder Samantha Zwicker:
We’ve recently welcomed a new member to our family—a baby jaguar in need of our specialized care. This addition underscores the urgent need for us to expand our infrastructure. To accommodate the growing number of rescues, we’re transitioning this fundraiser to focus on expanding our nursery and the total number of enclosures. This expansion is crucial to ensuring that we can continue to provide a safe haven for these animals and many others in the future.
We invite you to share our cause with your friends and family and consider contributing once again to this expanded effort. Together, we can create a lasting impact on the lives of these precious creatures and the preservation of their natural habitats.
And here’s a video she posted explaining the addition:
So again, any donation will help, and I’m donating what I can, and asking others to consider doing so as well, if willing and able. Or if not, simply help spread the word, share this articles on social media and with your friends and family! That’s really all I can ask…
Also, in the way of donations, they also have other donation options as well, including an Amazon Wish List from which much needed supplies can be purchased and delivered directly to their facility, many of which are relatively inexpensive, and/or you can purchase items from their online store, and again many are affordable (I am now the proud owner of several items), to help support them.
Anyway, I just wanted to send out an update on the ongoing efforts of the Hoja Nueva Center and their very worthy and highly noble mission.
And thank you in advance for any donations anyone can give! It is much needed, and much appreciated! 🙂 ~ Rand
Related Articles:
“Rewilding” at the Hoja Nueva Center in the Peruvian Amazon
An Exciting New Announcement From the Hoja Nueva Center
VIDEO: The Hoja Nueva Center Needs Our Help
Adopt a Wildcat, or Even Give a Gift Sponsorship
From Hoja Nueva: 3 More Baby Wildcats Need Some Help
Hoja Nueva “Illicit Zoo Rescue” Operation Nearing Completion
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