Rand Eastwood is an author & blogger, artist & craftsman, and entrepreneur currently residing in Las Vegas, NV. He describes himself as an Individualist, Consensualist, Autarchist, Sophophile, & Syncretist. Certified in both nutrition and ancestral health, he is a healthy nutrition & lifestyle advocate. Under Eastwood Innovations, LLC he owns/operates both INSIGHTS Blog and Lifeology Store. Much of his fiction—including some award-winners—is available through his Amazon author page, as well as some freebies here, under My Fiction. He currently has an extensive novel under development (working title Primeval), along with various other writing projects. To follow his work elsewhere, simply follow the links in About or under Stay Connected in the right sidebar.

190 Articles Written0 Comments

Adopt a Wildcat, or Even Give a Gift Sponsorship

INSIGHTS subscribers know by now that I’m an avid supporter of Hoja Nueva‘s mission to rescue, rehabilitate, and release wildcats...

VIDEOS: Just a Heads-Up—Two Films of Interest

I just wanted to send out a heads-up about two films I’ve recently learned about: 1) The Abyss Remastered Special...

17 Life-Learnings from 17 Years of The Marginalian

NOTE: The following article by Maria Popova was originally published at The Marginalian (formerly known as Brain Pickings), and really...

VIDEO: Disguised Jewel Stuns Crowd at Karaoke Bar

Jewel is one of my favorite musicians, and after I saw what she did in the following video, I like...

UPDATED (VIDEO): Since We Can’t Wait Until The Next Extinction-Level Impact Event…

I recently posted a contemplation entitled Can We Wait Until The Next Extinction-Level Impact Event? wherein I suggest that it...

Announcement: Lifeology Store Has Finally Launched!

Just wanted to send out a notification that my online gift shop, Lifeology Store, has finally launched! Lifeology Store features...

VIDEO: The Hoja Nueva Center Needs Our Help

I’ve written twice before about the Hoja Nueva Center located in the Peruvian rain forest, and the work that founder...

Contemplation: Can We Wait Until The Next Extinction-Level Impact Event?

Cover Image: Rendition of the Chicxulub crater near the Yucatan Peninsula in Mexico Unfortunately, according to historical precedent, statistically the...

Today’s Cognition: Oct 8, 2023

Today's Cognition | INSIGHTS Blog by Rand Eastwood

VIDEO: Why Privacy Matters | Glenn Greenwald Speaks at TED

Back in 2014, prize-winning journalist and constitutional/civil rights attorney (and now host of the news program System Update) Glenn Greenwald...

Announcement: My Story Published in Shallow Waters Horror Anthology!

My flash fiction story The Road Home has been included in Crystal Lake Publishing‘s huge Shallow Waters horror Flash Fiction...

Finally, the Illegal Censorship Spotlight Turns to Facebook

When Elon Musk acquired Twitter and began releasing the “Twitter Files” to various independent journalists for publication, which showed how...

Contemplation: God as Truth

I am increasingly coming to believe that God is Truth; or rather, Truth is God… I recently touched on the...